Dichotomy of Control
FleetingSplit stuffs into those in which you have control and those on which you don’t. Don’t be emotionally impacted by the later, as it won’t change anything. Accept it and focus on what you have control on.
It may needs to struggle against the fundamental attribution error.
metaphor of the umbrella
If you plan to go outside and it is raining, you can feel bad about it and do nothing, or you can acknowledge this feeling and move on with it.
Or if you have to go somewhere on a bike and it is windy. You can complain about the wind and feel bad. Or you can simply acknowledge it and still get a positive experience.
focus on what’s in your control and don’t let the rest impact your emotions
what’s in our control
External reference:
External reference: https://anchor.fm/time-flies/episodes/3--Whats-in-our-Control-e1olcl
An episode of the creative stoic podcast, dealing with dichotomy of control.
Notes linking here
- #2 Pratique du stoïcisme : agir avec sagesse sur ce qui dépend de moi
- ai je raison de favoriser celui qui parle ?
- authenticité/comprendre et accepter ses émotions/se sentir bien/être détaché
- avoir l’intuition de faire les choses bien vs être convaincu de faire les choses bien
- be clear about your non commitments
- be strict to yourself and tolerating to others
- behavior change vs dichotomy of control
- bien vivre un écosystème qui me crée des dissonances cognitives
- bullshit meetings
- coûts irrécupérables
- dichotomy of control may lead to some form of fatalism
- do your best
- Don’t Take Anything Personally
- don’t take other people expectations personnaly
- est-ce que je veux devenir végétarien ?
- expectation vs commitment
- feel confident not doing what you are not doing
- feeling good when having done whatever you can
- gtd and dichotomy of control
- gtd and tranquility
- hedonic test
- how to share experience?
- identifying cognitive biases helps feeling better
- illusion of control
- indépendance émotionnelle
- interview with stoic army by the creative stoic podcast
- Interview with Tobias Weaver (Orion Philosophy)
- introduction to Stoicism - The Art of Manliness
- link between the maybe list, fomo and the dichotomy of control
- Massimo Pigliucci introduction to Stoicism
- mes valeurs
- modèle de Brooke Castillo
- métaphore de l’archer
- navigate relationships as a Stoics
- ne pas mélanger affect et boulot
- ok to feel bad
- on stuff you control, be optimistic; on stuff you don’t control, be paranoid
- only future contains stuff you can control
- opinion vs criticism
- Overwhelm vs Overload - What’s The Difference And What To Do! (Part 1)
- pragmatisme, conséquentialisme
- Rationally Speaking - stoicism
- saying yes to something is saying no to something else
- se sentir bien par la pensée
- sense of control
- stoïcisme de Sénèque
- théorie argumentative du raisonnement, rasoir de Hanlon et se sentir bien
- to be meta right
- tragedy of guestimations in softwares
- transformer les choses que l’on redoute et qui ne dépendent pas de nous en choses que l’on redoute et qui dépendent de nous
- trichotomy of control
- trusted system != trusted software
- vivre bien, c’est changer les choses ou les accepter
- établir des limites