Appropriately Engaged
FleetingSee the Eisenhower matrix.
One of the main goals of the GTD method. Be sure you are clear on your engagements, and that they are appropriately captured in your trusted system.
The horizons of focus help having higher level views of your work so that you make sure to be appropriately engaged.
I tend to believe that in order to be appropriately engaged, we need to have explicit contracts, rather than guess based on our hypothesis of others expectations. expectation vs commitment.
It’s being clear on the commitment you have and do the appropriate action to fulfil it. The trusted system helps you inspecting whether you are appropriately engaged and helps you adapt if need be.
Notes linking here
- #NoEstimate
- be clear about your non commitments
- Ce qui est dit d’autre (blog)
- comment concilier appartenance à un groupe et valeurs individuelles ?
- cooperation
- debug mode fallacy
- disagree and commit
- each day starts the day before
- expectation vs commitment
- Getting Things Done
- gtd and scrum
- gtd et théorie de l’engagement
- gtd is controlled procrastination
- gtd m’incite à réflechir sur mes engagements
- handle other people expectations
- how to identify the difference between problem thinking and procrastination thinking?
- if you are not committed, don’t put the task if your gtd system
- il est difficile d’être engagé de façon approprié quand notre entourage ne l’accepte pas
- inbox zero
- loosing the sense of control when you don’t capture every single thing what has your attention and therefore are not appropriately engaged
- mes valeurs
- most systems are incomplete lists of unclear things
- overcommitment
- prefer doing the right thing instead of the job description fallacy
- promises reduce your future choices
- Q&A with David Allen, inventor of GTD®
- renegotiate your engagements
- réciproque de la substitution de questions
- what is GTD
- when someone asks for progress
- you are committed or not, but never in between