David Allen
FleetingNotes pointant ici
- build a second brain
- Getting Things Done
- gtd and holacracy
- holacracy
- how to stop procrastinating on your taxes (…and everything else)
- if you are not committed, don’t put the task if your gtd system
- inégalité dans les couples hétérosexuels, charge mentale et gtd (blog)
- it is ok to decide not to decide, as long as you have a not to decide system
- keeping stuff into your mind may be a way to keep a false sense of control
- learning gtd is like learning a martial art
- most systems are incomplete lists of unclear things
- power of habit
- procrastination is not about not doing, it is about not doing and feeling crappy about that
- Q&A with David Allen, inventor of GTD®
- Remembrance Agent: A continuously running automated information retrieval system
- there is magic in the mundane
- two questions when starting a meeting
- weekly review
- what is GTD
- you have to define what done means and what doing looks like