Raspberry Pi
Fleeting- 1B -> armv6
- >2B+ -> arm64
image builder
Notes pointant ici
- afterlife for my phones
- docker Access to Raspberry Pi GPIO Pins
- docker buildx cross compiling python to armhf: “Fatal Python error: pyinit_main: can’t initialize time”
- getting temperature with an old raspberry pi 1B
- how I organize my static files with IPFS and org-roam
- hypriot
- ipfs garbage collection sucks
- ipfs pinning sucks
- mesurer la température et l’humidité relative avec un DHT22 (AM2302) et un Raspberry Pi
- more clever night light
- my stack
- pi-hole
- playing with a LED in a raspberry pi
- postgresql stopped working on my raspberrypi
- raspberry pi 3B+ hungs with mmc_rescan
- raspberry pi GPIO
- raspberry pi tables
- RetroPie
- show voltage on raspberry pi
- temperature sensor using a rpi, with dht22 and bmp180
- trying to setup retropie to play snes
- use DC motors on the Raspberry Pi
- using raspberry pi