Daniel Kahneman
FleetingAuthor of Thinking, Fast and Slow, where he presents his work with Amos Tversky about cognitive bias and heuristic.
- Daniel Kahneman: Thinking Fast and Slow, Deep Learning, and AI | Lex Fridman Podcast, with Lex Fridman,
- #150 - The Map of Misunderstanding, with sam harris,
Notes linking here
- #150 - The Map of Misunderstanding
- a useful wrong image
- adversarial collaboration
- angry science
- avoir l’intuition de faire les choses bien vs ĂȘtre convaincu de faire les choses bien
- behavior often reflect a context rather than a personality
- causal theory of beliefs
- Daniel Kahneman: Putting Your Intuition on Ice
- Daniel Kahneman: Thinking Fast and Slow, Deep Learning, and AI | Lex Fridman Podcast
- delay your intuition
- failure to disagree
- guided serendipity
- habit create ease
- heuristique de jugement
- intuitions come first, strategic reasoning second
- lose your temper when being anchored
- more keen on believing fake news on my side
- nous sommes de mauvais guestimateurs
- people do good things for a mixture of good and bad reasons and do bad things for a mixture of good and bad reasons
- planning fallacy
- reportage Les super pouvoirs de notre cerveau
- studying/knowing about cognitive bias did not change their impact on Daniel Kahneman
- Thinking, Fast and Slow
- we cannot fight against our cognitive biases
- You’re About to Make a Terrible Mistake!
- zettelkasten