Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Collaborative Tool vs Personal Tool: A Major Difference


  • When using a collaborative system, sharing the system with others needs your brain to adjust to the system.
  • When using a personal system, because you are the sole user, you can make the tool adjust to your brain.

This makes a huge difference. A good personal system will feel like an extension of yourself and you will easily forget it even exists, while you will likely always notice the collaborative system.

In other terms, the personal system will be optimized for one person an very hard to use for the others, while a collaborative system should be equally hard to use for every body.

Say you have a hammer, optimized for your strength and your grip. You will be able to very efficiently use it while another person, with different strength and hands will have a hard time using it. On the other hand, a standard hammer, bought in a store, will likely be has “hard to use” for both of you.

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