Fleeting- Référence externe :
Anchoring (cognitive bias) - Wikipedia
The anchoring effect is a cognitive bias whereby an individual’s decisions are influenced by a particular reference point or ‘anchor’. Once the value of the anchor is set, subsequent arguments, estimates, etc. made by an individual may change from what they would have otherwise been without the anchor. For example, an individual may be more likely to purchase a car if it is placed alongside a more expensive model (the anchor)
Notes pointant ici
- advice for computer scientists
- anchoring (sketchplanation)
- biais vs bruit
- comment assurer qu’on se comprends ?
- don’t use scales when measuring something
- experience vs theory fallacy
- gtd and reticular system vs availability in cognitive psychology
- how to make multi criteria choices?
- importance de la première opinion
- lose your temper when being anchored
- machine associative
- mediating assessment protocol
- place of tests in software development
- problem thinking vs solution thinking
- should be used with past data as anchor
- you will fail if you do that