Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Gtd Goal


see horizon 3: one-to two-year goals and objectives

goal is what a person is trying to accomplish, it’s the object or aim of an action. Although it can be difficult to achieve, it seems that visualizing, defining and planning a goal can significantly influence on our behavior, and it’s in itself a strong stimulus to accomplish it. Waiting for things to happen just doesn’t work.


you will be more motivated to attack boring or ungratifying tasks if you see them as part of the bigger picture of your life


The value of goals is not in the future they describe, but the change in perception of reality they foster, in the present.


What we focus on changes what we notice.


That information is all around you, all the time. But if you’re not wired up to perceive it with a focus that opens you to it, you’ll think it doesn’t exist.


reason for long-term goals is the permission they give us to identify with the greatest optimistic picture of ourselves and our world we can so it changes our filtered perceptions


The future is an illusion, but a handy one.


Begin with your dreams and desires, and clarify these by using SMARTER goals. These goals are specific, meaningful, achievable, relevant, timed and also able to be evaluated and re-adjusted over time


Having a deep understanding of why you want to accomplish a goal builds sustainable inspiration and focus


you can’t come up with at least 15 reasons (yes that may seem a lot), then consider ditching your goal


You don’t need to know everything that you will do to accomplish your goal, but you do need to identify several steps that you can action immediately.


consider setting micro-deadlines. Make sure that the deadlines are something you will take seriously.


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