Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts



No, Luhmann was not about Folgezettel • Zettelkasten Method

Folgezettel is a child to his parent note


What most people think Luhmann’s Zettelkasten is about: It is the linking through tags and cross-references.

What it is actually about: It is mainly about the concept of Folgezettel. This means that you develop an idea in a linear way and branch off if the next thought doesn’t fit into the previous string of ideas.


Luhmann relied heavily on the technique of Folgezettel


it doesn’t follow from Luhmann’s principles but rather came as a consequence of him having to deal with a physical Zettelkasten. It is accidental, not foundational for his success.


although Folgezettel were indeed a very important factor for Luhmanns success, this is mostly due to the physical nature of his archive.


Folgezettel is a specific and intended connection between Zettels, realized through their position in the archive. You put a Zettel in a specific place and end up with a Folgezettel, which is nothing more than a connection between the preceding note and this new Zettel as a Folgezettel.


continue a thought add an idea to a thought exclude a thought from the existing line of thoughts (Folgezettel could mark a blind end. That means it says what conclusion not to make


It is not important where you store a Zettel as long as you can reference it from every other point to the Zettelkasten!


Folgezettel are a technique to realize a principle. How you realize a principle, that is which technique you use, does not make any difference from a bird’s eye perspective


To have a Luhmann-esque Zettelkasten, you don’t have to follow his techniques. Just follow the principles he used and you’ll be fine


(don’t confuse the principle and the technique)

Folgezettel, however, create specific relationships – adding manual links (references) to these relationships create relationship of relationships, the core aspect of Luhmann’s working principle (which he describes as „Relationierung von Relationen“).


I collected features. These are the techniques you can use to develop a complex system of concepts, statements, arguments and models that make something we call a Zettelkasten, a second brain, which is more than just a second memory.


it is not important where you store a Zettel as long as you can reference it from every other point to the Zettelkasten.


Folgezettel, which is nothing more than a connection between the preceding note and this new Zettel as a Folgezettel.

This connection can intend several things:

continue a thought add an idea to a thought exclude a thought from the existing line of thoughts (Folgezettel could mark a blind end. That means it says what conclusion not to make.


The intent of a Folgezettel is not always clear, so we can even improve the situation by creating annotated links.


It is not important where you store a Zettel as long as you can reference it from every other point to the Zettelkasten!
