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CIE 1931 Color Space


CIE 1931 color space - Wikipedia

CIE 1931 RGB color space and CIE 1931 XYZ color space were created by the International Commission on Illumination (CIE) in 1931.[1][2] They resulted from a series of experiments done in the late 1920s by William David Wright using ten observers[3] and John Guild using seven observers.[4] The experimental results were combined into the specification of the CIE RGB color space, from which the CIE XYZ color space was derived


three parameters corresponding to levels of stimulus of the three kinds of cone cells, in principle describe any human color sensation. Weighting a total light power spectrum by the individual spectral sensitivities of the three kinds of cone cells renders three effective values of stimulus; these three values compose a tristimulus specification of the objective color of the light spectrum. The three parameters, denoted “S”, “M”, and “L”, are indicated using a 3-dimensional space denominated the “LMS color space”, which is one of many color spaces devised to quantify human color vision.


two light sources composed of different mixtures of various wavelengths. Such light sources may appear to be the same color; this effect is called “metamerism.” Such light sources have the same apparent color to an observer when they produce the same tristimulus values, regardless of the spectral power distributions of the sources.
