Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Zettelkasten Getting Started


The Zettelkasten Method: Examples to help you get started.

Connecting a note through a bridge is where you link two seemingly unrelated ideas together with a separate note that explains why you think they’re connected


A topic index is a note which contains a of links to ideas that are directly relevant to a specific topic, question or discussion etc. You create topic indexes once your notes have naturally formed into their own topic clusters


index note represents a cluster of related permanent notes


while an index note might represent a table of contents for a chapter or an outline for an article, a keyword note might represent a table of contents for a book or entry points to many different sub-topics within a broader area.


Zettelkasten Workflow The Zettelkasten method has totally changed my approach to learning for the better. There are five different types of note-taking processes that build on each other. I’ll go through each of these and demonstrate how I implement them in my own system below.

  1. Fleeting notes
  2. Literature notes
  3. Permanent notes
  4. Index notes
  5. Keyword notes

Fleeting Notes Fleeting notes are temporary reminders of ideas.


Second, in order to take a fleeting note, it must meet at least one of the following two criteria:

  1. You want to remember the idea permanently.
  2. You want to use the idea in your work (in a blog, book or something that will help you take a step forward in achieving a concrete goal).

When I take fleeting notes from a book, I start by writing the title of the book at the top of the page.


The next step is to elaborate those reminders of those ideas into a paragraph that describes the idea in full.


Literature notes are written in the context of the source they were inspired by. Whereas permanent notes are written in the context of your own ideas and interests. Literature notes only have one connection, to the book they came from. While permanent notes can have many connections (to individual notes, as part of multiple topics etc).
