Fleeting- External reference:
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Workbox, service workers
Workbox is a set of modules that simplify common service worker interactions such as routing and caching. Each module addresses a specific aspect of service worker development. Workbox aims to make using service workers as easy as possible while allowing the flexibility to accommodate complex application requirements where needed.
workbox-sw: A way to load Workbox service worker packages from a CDN that doesn’t use a build process
workbox-sw module provides an extremely easy way to get up and running with the Workbox modules, simplifies the loading of the Workbox modules, and offers some simple helper methods
You can use workbox-sw via our CDN or you use it with a set of workbox files on your own server.
just need to add the following to your service worker: importScripts( ‘');
provide access to all of the Workbox modules. workbox.precaching.*workbox.routing.*etc
Alternatively, you can create a reference to the relevant namespaces outside of your event handlers, and then use that reference later on: importScripts( ‘');// This will trigger the importScripts() for workbox.strategies and its dependencies:const {strategies} = workbox;
here’s some code that uses import statements referencing Workbox modules: import {registerRoute} from ‘workbox-routing’;import {CacheFirst} from ‘workbox-strategies’;import {CacheableResponse} from ‘workbox-cacheable-response’;
here’s the same code rewritten to use workbox-sw (notice that only the import statements have changed—the logic has not been touched): importScripts( ‘');const {registerRoute} = workbox.routing;const {CacheFirst} = workbox.strategies;const {CacheableResponse} = workbox.cacheableResponse;
Serving cached audio and video
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Workbox must be told to respect Range request headers by using the workbox-range-requests module to the strategy used as the handler.
<video> or <audio> elements need to opt into CORS mode with the crossorigin attribute
should explicitly add it to the cache ahead of time. You can do this by precaching, or with cache.add(), or by using the warmStrategyCache method in workbox-recipes.
Caching the media asset as it’s streamed at runtime won’t work, as only partial content is fetched from the network during playback.
<video src=“movie.mp4” crossorigin=“anonymous”></video><audio src=“song.mp3” crossorigin=“anonymous”></audio>