Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

User Experience



It is about finding out what it feels like to be in contact with a company. It needs strong statistical knowledge and the ability to realize the hard problem of consciousness.

of course UX user experience design and UI UI design user interface design are very different things UI design is about all those components that go on a screen it’s an important job but it’s very different than UX design you mix design is about talking to people understanding customers that’s solving those overall problems and identifying them but when you confuse the two when you confuse solving problems with making screens you make us someone’s job to solve problems with screens but good experience design good UX isn’t a set of good screens it’s a good experience there’s a lot of confusion today about design and technology

UX (acronyme de l’anglais : User eXperience), expérience utilisateur en français, désigne la qualité de l’expérience vécue par l’utilisateur dans toute situation d’interaction


L’UX qualifie l’expérience globale ressentie par l’utilisateur lors de l’utilisation d’une interface, d’un appareil digital ou plus largement en interaction avec tout dispositif ou service. L’UX est donc à différencier de l’ergonomie et de l’utilisabilité.


l’UX s’appuie aussi bien sur l’utilisabilité (la « facilité d’usage » d’une interface) que sur l’impact émotionnel ressenti


ressenti de l’utilisateur


implique l’impact émotionnel ressenti lors de l’interaction, et comprend même l’anticipation de l’utilisation comme le faisait remarquer Donald Norman, le premier à utiliser cette expression


l’UX correspondant “aux réponses et aux perceptions d’une personne qui résultent de l’usage ou de l’anticipation de l’usage d’un produit, d’un service ou d’un système”.


Toute expérience vécue en interaction avec un dispositif, digital ou non, c’est de l’UX !


Avec l’UX, l’expérience vécue est globale, et non pas strictement repliée sur le seul usage.


principales expertises utilisées chez Usabilis pour appréhender et travailler la qualité de l’UX d’une interface ou d’un service. Nous découpons nos expertises en 3 grands registres :Design de servicesÉtudes utilisateurConception d’interface


L’UX Design se définit comme l’ensemble des moyens mis en œuvre pour concevoir une interface qui réponde pleinement aux exigences d’une « bonne UX ».


d’exemple, l’UX Design appliqué à un site Internet, consiste à :Le rendre accessible et facile à utiliser grâce à son ergonomie, son apparence, son design cohérent et ses fonctionnalités intuitivesLe rendre crédible, de part une utilisation qui rassureLe rendre compatible, c’est à dire utilisable par les utilisateurs quel que soit le support digital (Smartphone, tablette, grands écrans…)


Don Norman souligne – dans une interview datée de 2016 – à quel point le terme UX est mal utilisé désormais. Des concepteurs restreignent l’UX à la fabrication d’applications digitales ou de sites web alors que l’UX est holistique. C’est une expérience qui, dès son invention, est censé s’inscrire dans une globalité.


User experience (UX) design is the process design teams use to create products that provide meaningful and relevant experiences to users. This involves the design of the entire process of acquiring and integrating the product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function.


“User Experience Design” is often used interchangeably with terms such as “User Interface Design” and “Usability”. However, while usability and user interface (UI) design are important aspects of UX design, they are subsets of it – UX design covers a vast array of other areas, too. A UX designer is concerned with the entire process of acquiring and integrating a product, including aspects of branding, design, usability and function. It is a story that begins before the device is even in the user’s hands


good user experience is one that meets a particular user’s needs in the specific context where he or she uses the product.


UX designer, you should consider the Why, What and How of product use


Why involves the users’ motivations


What addresses the things people can do with a product


How relates to the design of functionality in an accessible and aesthetically pleasant way


UX designers come from a variety of backgrounds such as visual design, programming, psychology and interaction design.


accommodating many potential users’ physical limitations, such as reading small text


designer’s typical tasks vary, but often include user research, creating personas, designing wireframes and interactive prototypes as well as testing designs


be the users’ advocate and keep the users’ needs at the center of all design and development efforts.


most UX designers work in some form of user-centered work process,


User-centered design is an iterative process where you take an understanding of the users and their context as a starting point for all design and development


The first requirement for an exemplary user experience is to meet the exact needs of the customer, without fuss or bother


Next comes simplicity and elegance that produce products that are a joy to own, a joy to use.


True user experience goes far beyond giving customers what they say they want, or providing checklist features.


must be a seamless merging of the services of multiple disciplines, including engineering, marketing, graphical and industrial design, and interface design.


important to distinguish the total user experience from the user interface (UI),


Even if the UI for finding a film is perfect, the UX will be poor for a user who wants information about a small independent release if the underlying database only contains movies from the major studios


distinguish UX and usability


total user experience is an even broader concept.


user experience (UX or UE) is how a user interacts with and experiences a product, system or service. It includes a person’s perceptions of utility, ease of use, and efficiency.


According to Nielsen Norman Group, ‘user experience’ includes all the aspects of the interaction between the end-user with the company, its services, and its products


ISO 9241-210,[2] defines user experience as “a person’s perceptions and responses that result from the use or anticipated use of a product, system or service”


According to the ISO definition, user experience includes all the users’ emotions, beliefs, preferences, perceptions, physical and psychological responses, behaviors and accomplishments that occur before, during, and after use.


three factors that influence user experience: the system, the user, and the context of use.


best interface is no interface

  • External reference:

user interface user experience

usage ordinaire du mot user experience

Interface graphique jolie qui donne envie d’être utilisée, souvent basée sur une description caricaturale des utilisateurs cible, sans étude sur des vrais utilisateurs.

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