Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Tezos Testnet Cycle


There is one test network for the current protocol, and one test network for the protocol which is being proposed for voting.


every time a new protocol is proposed on Mainnet, a new test network is spawned.


This also makes synchronization much faster than with a long-lived network.


  • At some point, there will be a proposal for a successor to the current protocol

(let’s call this new protocol P).

  • After P is injected, a new test network (let’s call it P-net) will be spawned.
    • It will run alongside the latest test network until either P is rejected or activated.
  • If P is rejected, P-net will end, unless P is immediately re-submitted for injection.
  • If, however, P is activated, the previous test network will end and P-net will continue on its own.
