Tezos Testnet Cycle
Fleeting- Référence externe : https://tezos.gitlab.io/introduction/test_networks.html
There is one test network for the current protocol, and one test network for the protocol which is being proposed for voting.
every time a new protocol is proposed on Mainnet, a new test network is spawned.
This also makes synchronization much faster than with a long-lived network.
- At some point, there will be a proposal for a successor to the current protocol
(let’s call this new protocol P).
- After P is injected, a new test network (let’s call it P-net) will be spawned.
- It will run alongside the latest test network until either P is rejected or activated.
- If P is rejected, P-net will end, unless P is immediately re-submitted for injection.
- If, however, P is activated, the previous test network will end and P-net will continue on its own.