Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts



C4 model for visualising software architecture

diagram and documentation as code

Structurizr tooling encourages the adoption of a “diagrams and documentation as code” approach, with everything being stored in source code control




see build a gradle project

A command line utility designed to be used in conjunction with the Structurizr DSL, supporting pull/push via the web API and exports to a number of formats including PlantUML and Mermaid.


  • push content to the Structurizr cloud service/on-premises installation
  • pull workspace content as JSON
  • lock a workspace
  • unlock a workspace
  • export diagrams to PlantUML, Mermaid, WebSequenceDiagrams, DOT, and Ilograph; or a DSL workspace to JSON
  • merge layout information from one workspace into another
  • list elements within a workspace
  • validate a JSON/DSL workspace
  • inspect a JSON/DSL workspace


structurizr mini

static site for C4 diagrams from a Structurizr workspace


It needs to export the workspace into a json file, making iteration annoying. It also generated messed up diagrams.


  • External reference: https://github.com/avisi-cloud/structurizr-site-generatr

    Static site generator for architecture models created with Structurizr DSL

    docker run -it –rm -v $(pwd):/var/model ghcr.io/avisi-cloud/structurizr-site-generatr generate-site -w architecture.dsl

    Status: Downloaded newer image for ghcr.io/avisi-cloud/structurizr-site-generatr:latest
    Exception in thread "main" java.io.FileNotFoundException: build/site/index.html (No such file or directory)
            at java.base/java.io.FileOutputStream.open0(Native Method)
            at java.base/java.io.FileOutputStream.open(Unknown Source)
            at java.base/java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
            at java.base/java.io.FileOutputStream.<init>(Unknown Source)
            at kotlin.io.FilesKt__FileReadWriteKt.writeBytes(FileReadWrite.kt:108)
            at kotlin.io.FilesKt__FileReadWriteKt.writeText(FileReadWrite.kt:134)
            at kotlin.io.FilesKt__FileReadWriteKt.writeText$default(FileReadWrite.kt:134)
            at nl.avisi.structurizr.site.generatr.site.SiteGeneratorKt.generateRedirectingIndexPage(SiteGenerator.kt:38)
            at nl.avisi.structurizr.site.generatr.GenerateSiteCommand.execute(GenerateSiteCommand.kt:70)
            at kotlinx.cli.ArgParser.parse(ArgParser.kt:657)
            at kotlinx.cli.ArgParser.parse(ArgParser.kt:530)
            at nl.avisi.structurizr.site.generatr.AppKt.main(App.kt:13)

based on structurizr ui

browser-based UI […] shared across the Structurizr cloud service, the on-premises installation, and Lite.


structurizr lite

A single workspace version of Structurizr, providing a way to quickly view diagrams, documentation, and architecture decision records.


docker run -it –rm -e STRUCTURIZR_WORKSPACE_FILENAME=“architecture” -p 8080:8080 -v $(pwd):/usr/local/structurizr structurizr/lite

You edit the dsl file with your favorite editor and keep the lite tool auto updating to see the changes1.

Use the auto refresh feature with:

create a file named structurizr.properties in your Structurizr Lite data directory and add the following line, changing the number of milliseconds as required. A value of 0 will disable auto-refresh.



Internet access is not required by Structurizr Lite


structurizr onpremise

docker run -it –rm -p 8080:8080 -v PATH:/usr/local/structurizr structurizr/onpremises

seems complicated. I need to create users before playing with it.

A multi-workspace version of Structurizr that can be run on your own infrastructure (local servers or cloud), providing a way to publish diagrams, documentation, and architecture decision records.


web interface to play with it

  1. Structurizr Lite is optimised for working with the DSL, and this is the recommended approach for most teams


    Structurizr Lite does not require you to push your workspace to it via a web API. Instead it works directly off the file system

