SSL Validation Process
Fleeting- Référence externe :
3 Types of SSL Validation Levels
SSL certificate can be classified into the three categories according to their validation requirements:
Domain Validation (DV): This process enables you to prove domain ownership (and nothing else).
Organization Validation (OV): This process involves both DV and business authentication.
Extended Validation (EV): This process involves both domain and organization validation, plus your organization must be at least three years old and in good standing
Domain Validation
Domain Validation
Organization Validation
Organization Validation
Extended Validation
Breaking Down the Organization Validation Process
you buy an OV SSL certificate, you must follow all the steps of DV SSL certificate, plus go through an additional business verification process
Complete the Enrollment Form
Prove Locality Presence
Complete Telephone Verification
check the WHOIS records to verify that your company owns the domain.