Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

RACI Model


  • R = Responsible = The person who performs the work.  There must be one “R” on every row, no more and no less.  “R” is the only letter that must appear in each row.
  • A = Accountable =  The person ultimately accountable for the work or decision being made.  Use this letter where appropriate, but not to excess – only when a key decision or task is at hand.  There can be from zero to one “A’s” in each row, but no more than one.
  • C = Consulted = Anyone who must be consulted with prior to a decision being made and/or the task being completed.  There can be as many “C’s” as are appropriate in each row.
  • I = Informed = Anyone who must be informed when a decision is made or work is completed.  There can be as many “I’s” as are appropriate in each row.
