Quicktime Container
Fleeting- External reference: https://wiki.multimedia.cx/index.php/QuickTime_container
QuickTime container - MultimediaWiki
Atoms are chunks of data in that comprise a Quicktime file
Sometimes they contain data and sometimes they contain other atoms.
An atom consists of a size, a type, and a data payload. An atom is laid out as follows:
bytes 0-3 atom size (including 8-byte size and type preamble) bytes 4-7 atom type bytes 8..n data
more authoritative list can be found at http://ftyps.com
how a Quicktime file is laid out:
moov mvhd trak tkhd edts elst mdia mdhd minf stbl stsd stco co64 stts stss stsc stsz trak trak .. mdat [data] [data] […]
All Quicktime files need to have a moov atom and a mdat atom at the top level
moov atom contains instructions for playing the data in the file. The mdat atom contains the data that will be played.