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Printing in Black&white With Ipptool


printing in black&white with ipptool

Reading the documentation of IPP, I understand I need to add a job attribute to set the color.

Finding out the available attributes in my printer

clk pdf print . --command get-job-template-attributes |gi color-mode
print-color-mode-supported (1setOf keyword) = monochrome,color
print-color-mode-default (keyword) = color

I need to provide this job, in a job attribute group.

There is already an ipp test file to print with the default attributes.

cat /usr/share/cups/ipptool/print-job-and-wait.test
# Print a test page using print-job
	# The name of the test...
	NAME "Print file using Print-Job"

	# The operation to use

	# Attributes, starting in the operation group...
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
	ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype

	GROUP job-attributes-tag
	ATTR integer copies 1

	FILE $filename

	# What statuses are OK?
	STATUS successful-ok
	STATUS successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes

	# What attributes do we expect?
	EXPECT job-id
	EXPECT job-uri
	NAME "Wait for job to complete..."
	OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes
	GROUP operation-attributes-tag
	ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
	ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
	ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
	ATTR integer job-id $job-id
	ATTR name requesting-user-name $user

	STATUS successful-ok
	EXPECT job-id
	DISPLAY job-state
	DISPLAY job-state-reasons

I can simply copy this one and add the monochrome job attribute.

clk pdf print --command - somefile <<EOF
# Print a test page using print-job
    # The name of the test...
    NAME "Print file using Print-Job"

    # The operation to use
    OPERATION Print-Job

    # Attributes, starting in the operation group...
    GROUP operation-attributes-tag
    ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
    ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
    ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
    ATTR name requesting-user-name $user
    ATTR mimeMediaType document-format $filetype

    GROUP job-attributes-tag
    ATTR integer copies 1
    ATTR keyword print-color-mode monochrome

    FILE $filename

    # What statuses are OK?
    STATUS successful-ok
    STATUS successful-ok-ignored-or-substituted-attributes

    # What attributes do we expect?
    EXPECT job-id
    EXPECT job-uri
    NAME "Wait for job to complete..."
    OPERATION Get-Job-Attributes
    GROUP operation-attributes-tag
    ATTR charset attributes-charset utf-8
    ATTR language attributes-natural-language en
    ATTR uri printer-uri $uri
    ATTR integer job-id $job-id
    ATTR name requesting-user-name $user

    STATUS successful-ok
    EXPECT job-id
    DISPLAY job-state
    DISPLAY job-state-reasons
        attributes-charset (charset) = utf-8
        attributes-natural-language (naturalLanguage) = en
        printer-uri (uri) = ipp://
        requesting-user-name (nameWithoutLanguage) = sam
        document-format (mimeMediaType) = application/octet-stream
        copies (integer) = 1
        print-color-mode (keyword) = monochrome
    Print file using Print-Job                                           [PASS]
        RECEIVED: 193 bytes in response
        status-code = successful-ok (successful-ok)
        attributes-charset (charset) = utf-8
        attributes-natural-language (naturalLanguage) = en
        job-uri (uri) = ipp://
        job-id (integer) = 2
        job-state (enum) = pending
        job-state-message (textWithoutLanguage) =
        job-state-reasons (keyword) = none
        attributes-charset (charset) = utf-8
        attributes-natural-language (naturalLanguage) = en
        printer-uri (uri) = ipp://
        job-id (integer) = 2
        requesting-user-name (nameWithoutLanguage) = sam
    Wait for job to complete...                                          [0001]
        job-state (enum) = processing
        job-state-reasons (keyword) = job-printing
    Wait for job to complete...                                          [0002]
        job-state (enum) = processing
        job-state-reasons (keyword) = job-printing
    Wait for job to complete...                                          [0003]
        job-state (enum) = processing
        job-state-reasons (keyword) = job-printing
    Wait for job to complete...                                          [0004]
        job-state (enum) = processing
        job-state-reasons (keyword) = job-printing
    Wait for job to complete...                                          [0005]
        job-state (enum) = processing
        job-state-reasons (keyword) = job-printing
    Wait for job to complete...                                          [PASS]
        RECEIVED: 1224 bytes in response
        status-code = successful-ok (successful-ok)
        attributes-charset (charset) = utf-8
        attributes-natural-language (naturalLanguage) = en
        number-of-documents (integer) = 1
        job-media-progress (integer) = 0
        job-more-info (uri) =
        job-preserved (boolean) = true
        job-printer-up-time (integer) = 1639669548
        job-printer-uri (uri) = ipp://
        job-uri (uri) = ipp://
        printer-uri (uri) = ipp://
        job-originating-user-name (nameWithoutLanguage) = sam
        document-format (mimeMediaType) = application/pdf
        copies (integer) = 1
        print-color-mode (keyword) = monochrome
        document-format-supplied (mimeMediaType) = application/octet-stream
        document-format-detected (mimeMediaType) = application/pdf
        job-priority (integer) = 50
        job-name (nameWithoutLanguage) = Untitled
        job-uuid (uri) = urn:uuid:a7390322-eefd-37d8-543b-fd2637889b65
        job-originating-host-name (nameWithoutLanguage) =
        date-time-at-completed (dateTime) = 2021-12-16T15:45:44Z
        date-time-at-creation (dateTime) = 2021-12-16T15:45:23Z
        date-time-at-processing (dateTime) = 2021-12-16T15:45:23Z
        time-at-completed (integer) = 1639669544
        time-at-creation (integer) = 1639669523
        time-at-processing (integer) = 1639669523
        job-id (integer) = 2
        job-state (enum) = completed
        job-state-reasons (keyword) = processing-to-stop-point
        job-impressions-completed (integer) = 1
        job-media-sheets-completed (integer) = 1
        job-k-octets (integer) = 97
        job-hold-until (keyword) = no-hold
        job-sheets (1setOf nameWithoutLanguage) = none,none
        job-printer-state-message (textWithoutLanguage) =
        job-printer-state-reasons (keyword) = none

Summary: 2 tests, 2 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped
Score: 100%