Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts




automatically enabling pre-commit on repositories

pre-commit init-templatedir can be used to set up a skeleton for git’s init.templateDir option. This means that any newly cloned repository will automatically have the hooks set up without the need to run pre-commit install.

To configure, first set git’s init.templateDir – in this example I’m using ~/.git-template as my template directory.

$ git config –global init.templateDir ~/.git-template $ pre-commit init-templatedir ~/.git-template

pre-commit installed at home/asottile.git-template/hooks/pre-commit


To check only files which have changed, which may be faster, use something like pre-commit run –from-ref origin/HEAD –to-ref HEAD


Managing CI Caches

pre-commit by default places its repository store in ~/.cache/pre-commit – this can be configured in two ways:

  • PRE_COMMIT_HOME: if set, pre-commit will use that location instead.
  • XDG_CACHE_HOME: if set, pre-commit will use $XDG_CACHE_HOME/pre-commit following the XDG Base Directory Specification.


circleci […] uses immutable caches: steps:

  • run: command: | cp .pre-commit-config.yaml pre-commit-cache-key.txt python –version –version >> pre-commit-cache-key.txt
  • restore_cache: keys:
    • v1-pc-cache-{{ checksum “pre-commit-cache-key.txt” }}
