Fleeting- External reference: https://www.brandur.org/logfmt
Each line consists of a single level of key/value pairs which are densely packed together compared to other well-known structured formats like JSON
calling this style of structured logging “logfmt”
standard for log emission across internal components
with a bit of practice (and ideally, colorized output), it’s pretty easy for a human being to read logfmt
I’d recommend using the approach seen in logrus and including a human readable message with every log line
I’d recommend using the approach seen in logrus and including a human readable message with every log line
level=info msg=“Stopping all fetchers” tag=stopping_fetchers id=ConsumerFetcherManager-1382721708341 module=kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherManager
development, a log output formatter can then give the msg field special treatment by displaying it in way that a human can easily read (along with other special fields like level):
info | Stopping all fetchers module=kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherManager info | Performing log compaction module=kafka.compacter.LogCompactionManager info | Performing garbage collection module=kafka.cleaner.GarbageCollectionManager info | Starting all fetchers module=kafka.consumer.ConsumerFetcherManager