Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Layer 1 vs Layer 2 : What You Need to Know About Different Blockchain Layer Solutions


Layer 1 vs Layer 2 : What you need to know about different Blockchain Layer solutions

[2021-03-01 Mon 02:11]

Layer-2, on the other hand, is an overlaying network that lies on top of the underlying blockchain.

[2021-03-01 Mon 02:11]

A state channel is a two-way communication channel between participants, which enables them to conduct interactions

[2021-03-01 Mon 02:13]

When the entire transaction set is over, the final state of the channel is added to the blockchain

[2021-03-01 Mon 06:41]

multiple levels of blockchains sitting on top of the main chain. These levels will be connected to each other to form a parent-child chain connection. The parent chain delegates work amongst its child chains. The child chains then execute these actions and send the result back to the parent chain.

[2021-03-01 Mon 06:41]

it doesn’t mess with the underlying blockchain protocol

[2021-03-01 Mon 06:54]

The term “scalability trilemma

[2021-03-01 Mon 06:54]

be able to solve the scalability trilemma. Turing award winner Silvio Micali is building a project called “Algorand,” which is trying to do precisely that