Kubernetes in Dev Mode. the Microservice Architecture Is on 26 | by Mahdi Chihaoui | FAUN | Medium
Fleeting- Référence externe : https://medium.com/faun/docker-kubernetes-in-dev-mode-dfaf7ed33994
Kubernetes in Dev Mode. The microservice architecture is on 26 | by Mahdi Chihaoui | FAUN | Medium
Telepresence As explained in their website, Telepresence substitutes a two-way network proxy for your normal pod running in the Kubernetes cluster. This pod proxies data from your Kubernetes environment (e.g., TCP connections, environment variables, volumes) to the local process. The local process has its networking transparently overridden so that DNS calls and TCP connections are routed through the proxy to the remote Kubernetes cluster.
Ksync Using Ksync, you can literally work inside your container environment and use its resources. You see, the idea of Ksync is to synchronize your project 19s local path with the path inside the container running in Kubernetes cluster. That 19s a cool idea, this way, you can make a 1Cdev mode 1D docker file where for example for a Node.js project you run nodemon instead of node and you can see your changes live inside the container. Also you can use it with multiple pods. Cool! but 26