Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts



See ipfs, ipns, multihash.

What’s neat about content-addressing is that because it does not involve talking about data location, it’s inherently friendly to decentralization.


large graphs of documents can be linked together, and once you have some of the document graph, you don’t need to go look online to some specific server to get the rest of the linked documents; you can get them anywhere that content can be found.


IPLD is the data layer that IPFS is built on top of.


data sent to IPFS through IPLD is kept on-chain, and the user receives a CID to access that data


IPLD is more ambitious, aiming to decode any hash it comes in contact with


JSON-DAG allows for storing typical JSON serialized data but also supports links that can be used alongside IPLD. JSON-CBOR allows for even more flexibility. CBOR is a binary storage system making it fast and efficient. Filecoin uses CBOR-DAG for its chain because of its efficiency and because CBOR can handle more data types than JSON.


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