Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Imagine a Company Without a Boss


Very compréhensive and thorough explanation of holacracy, by Brian Robertson.

exquisite organisation

At holacracyone, there is no CEO, there is no bosses, there is no leaders.[…] There is not a group of people that have the power to set your pay. It is actually an emergent result of the process.


There is still very few group decisions. The vast majority of decisions are made autocraticaly by one person, with the full authority to make that decision in the organisation.


There is autocratic authority. The difference is it is distributed.


Every partner has clarity about their authority is, in their roles and has the power to lead that role. Power that no one else can trump. It is a distributed authority system.


There is clear boundaries between where does my power stop[…] what can I expect of my coworkers, what can them expect from me.


How can we have a distributed authority without a feudal leader to distribute it?


Not that different from the governments that we use in the broader societies, with a constitution. This document defines the power structure of the organisation.


governance of the organisation, through the people, for the purpose


We are not governing people. We let people free to be fully themselves and lead their role has they see fit. We are governing an organisation. We govern how we intersect, what are the expectations we can hold at each other.


What authority do I have, what authority does a colleague of mine have. Here is a decision that needs to be made. Who has the authority to make this decision for the organisation. I cannot just go to my boss and ask. Not that this helps in a lot of organisations.


When I want that clarity, I go to a website that tells me exactly what I can expect of all my coworkers, what they can expect of me. Who has what authority. What are the bounds of that authority. It’s all completely transparent (even with the rest of the world).


governance here does not mean group decision making. […] the constitution the authority structure to ask rather “who decides?”[..] “who has the authority to do that for the rest of the organisation?” “within what constraints?” “what can I expect of that person?”[…] “what are the bounds of that authority?”. I can go here and I can find out.


governance is about defining the meta pattern which most organisation don’t have an effective process to do […]. Most organisation simply have one that emerges or that an heroic leader ends up accidentally creating.


everyone has authority. You gonna feel some tensions sometimes.[…] When you have no boss to go to[…] you have no villain to blame. It is much easier to hide and play the victim. “That,s the boss, they just don’t see it”. Or be the super hero in a parental figure. You sense something, what are you gonna do about it? […]

For the organisation, […] this tension is often a clue that there is a gap between what is and what can be.


Evolutionary process at work for the organisation[…] redesigning the organisation continuously. Not just at the top[…] in this governance process, every human gets to sense and participate. It is a distributed process.[…] shape the design of the organisation. How we work around here.


No one of us is designing the organisation[…] In this process no one person design the organisation. It is an emergent result of harnessing and processing everyone’s senses, constantly seeking better designs to better express the purpose, through the governance process to hold on that and to get us there.


Evolution to be the designer for you[…] evolution is smarter than me[…]. We will get a process with purpose as a fitness function to seek the best design to express that purpose by processing all sensors fully.


Something that feels beyond us […] it working through us, its sensing through us and yet it is separated from any one of us […] each one of us is to show up and act as a steward, a caretaker for the organisation. It’s to help raise this organisation and help it find and express its purpose in the world.


Notes linking here