Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Golang See the Dependency Graph


golang see the dependency graph

go get github.com/KyleBanks/depth/cmd/depth
depth github.com/hasit/bolter
  ├ bufio
  ├ fmt
  ├ log
  ├ os
  ├ strings
  ├ github.com/kval-access-language/kval-boltdb
  │ ├ encoding/base64
  │ ├ fmt
  │ ├ regexp
  │ ├ strings
  │ ├ time
  │ ├ github.com/boltdb/bolt
  │ │ ├ bytes
  │ │ ├ errors
  │ │ ├ fmt
  │ │ ├ hash/fnv
  │ │ ├ io
  │ │ ├ log
  │ │ ├ os
  │ │ ├ runtime
  │ │ ├ runtime/debug
  │ │ ├ sort
  │ │ ├ strings
  │ │ ├ sync
  │ │ ├ syscall
  │ │ ├ time
  │ │ └ unsafe
  │ ├ github.com/kval-access-language/kval-parse
  │ │ ├ regexp
  │ │ ├ strconv
  │ │ ├ strings
  │ │ ├ unicode/utf8
  │ │ ├ github.com/kval-access-language/kval-scanner
  │ │ │ ├ bufio
  │ │ │ ├ bytes
  │ │ │ ├ io
  │ │ │ ├ log
  │ │ │ ├ strconv
  │ │ │ └ strings
  │ │ └ github.com/pkg/errors
  │ │   ├ errors
  │ │   ├ fmt
  │ │   ├ io
  │ │   ├ path
  │ │   ├ runtime
  │ │   ├ strconv
  │ │   └ strings
  │ ├ github.com/kval-access-language/kval-scanner
  │ └ github.com/pkg/errors
  ├ github.com/olekukonko/tablewriter
  │ ├ bytes
  │ ├ encoding/csv
  │ ├ errors
  │ ├ fmt
  │ ├ io
  │ ├ math
  │ ├ os
  │ ├ reflect
  │ ├ regexp
  │ ├ strconv
  │ ├ strings
  │ └ github.com/mattn/go-runewidth
  │   ├ os
  │   ├ regexp
  │   ├ strings
  │   └ github.com/rivo/uniseg
  │     └ unicode/utf8
  └ github.com/urfave/cli
    ├ bytes
    ├ context
    ├ encoding/json
    ├ errors
    ├ flag
    ├ fmt
    ├ io
    ├ io/ioutil
    ├ os
    ├ path/filepath
    ├ reflect
    ├ regexp
    ├ runtime
    ├ sort
    ├ strconv
    ├ strings
    ├ syscall
    ├ text/tabwriter
    ├ text/template
    ├ time
    ├ unicode
    ├ unicode/utf8
    ├ github.com/cpuguy83/go-md2man/v2/md2man (unresolved)
    └ github.com/xrash/smetrics
      ├ fmt
      ├ math
      └ strings
43 dependencies (32 internal, 11 external, 0 testing).