Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Gobblet Gobbers/Tic-Tac-Toe



I was asked to print this:

I could find the model on the internet https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4924058/files and realized it is actually called gobblet gobbers or simply gobblets



mkdir -p /tmp/gobblets/
cd /tmp/gobblets/
ipfs get /ipfs/bafybeiatfn72uqu45jnbju7tvszqjvtbcoyufzwymaolpl3eqq3jmwnpvq -o TicTacToe-Extended-F1.stl
ipfs get /ipfs/bafybeig4yu2plingyrlkf5tpcyo2syrzlyzx6o35bmdlwnht6dsf6uexqy -o TicTacToe-Extended-F2.stl
ipfs get /ipfs/bafybeibolu6m5hq4jlpbu4ljudt7nd2o434g3cheuyr64vn7zmjm52r2hi -o TicTacToe-Extended-F3.stl
Saving file(s) to TicTacToe-Extended-F1.stl
Saving file(s) to TicTacToe-Extended-F2.stl
Saving file(s) to TicTacToe-Extended-F3.stl
cd /tmp/gobblets/
openscad gobblets.scad -o gobblets.stl
echo -n $(cat gobblets.stl|ipfa|tr -d $'\n')?gobblets.stl


I still have the basis of this cylinder, so I just need to adapt the lid to make them fit.



I used as basis the model that was too small, hoping that this would be mitigated by the lengtn of the lid. I was wrong, thus I added some PTFE to make the grip hold.

I did not bother with printing lines for the grid, because a simple sheet of paper and a pen are enough1.

I may want to print more of them and another size -> https://konubinix.eu/ipfs/bafkreigiqky4esbp5brp7omvck7y3r4or3dlif2hooglh6xziws36qnrmq?filename=gobblet.pdf, https://www.trictrac.net/jeu-de-societe/gobblet/details
