Fix/Workaround - Libseccomp2 and Alpine 3.13 - Installing Raspbian Docker 19.04+ on Raspberry Pi 4 Buster
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Fix/Workaround - libseccomp2 and Alpine 3.13 - Installing Raspbian Docker 19.04+ on Raspberry Pi 4 Buster
trying to get apps like Nextcloud, Redis and all sorts of other things in Docker to run on a Raspberry Pi4, which suddenly seemed to stop working overnight. The reason? These apps all use Alpine Linux as a common base image. However, Alpine made a move that caused some chaos for us. Their Alpine 3.13 variant is not compatible with Raspberry Pi 4 devices IF:
Update libseccomp2 to the ’latest’ version and run ahead of Raspbian Mainline
Update libseccomp2 to the ’latest’ version and run ahead of Raspbian Mainline