Evidence-Based Strategies to Better Remember What You Learn
Fleeting- External reference: https://learntrepreneurs.com/how-to-improve-the-way-you-learn/evidence-based-strategies-to-better-remember-what-you-learn-2/?preview_id=311&preview_nonce=da35377633&preview=true
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result of their work is ‘Make it stick.’
With retrieval, you try to recall something you’ve learned in the past from your memory
With spaced repetition, you repeat the same piece of information across increasing intervals.
“If your intuition tells you to block, you should probably interleave
Elaborating means you explain and describe an idea in your own words
few questions the authors suggest to reflect upon:What went well?What could have gone better?What might you need to learn for better mastery, or what strategies might you use the next time to get better results?
testing shows us whether we truly mastered the subject at hand
Effective learning strategies include retrieval, elaboration, spaced repetition, interleaving, self-testing, and reflection.