Enclosure Design for 3D Printing
Fleeting- Référence externe : https://www.3dhubs.com/knowledge-base/enclosure-design-3d-printing-step-step-guide/
Enclosure design for 3D printing: A step-by-step guide | 3D Hubs
Wall thickness A minimum wall thickness of 2 mm is recommended for all enclosure walls.
Add radii/fillets to corners Radii or fillets help to reduce stress concentrations at corner and edges and also make parts easier to 3D print. Even a small radius can make a big difference.
Component clearance Allow 0.5 mm around all internal components to compensate for distortion, shrinkage and printer tolerances
Clearance holes Add 0.25 mm to the diameter of screw and fastener clearance holes. For more accurate clearance holes, drill the holes after printing.
Self taping holes Subtract 0.25 mm from the diameter of holes if you are wanting the screw or fastener to bite into the case.
Port clearance For all ports or plugs allow 2 mm clearance (1mm each side). The input port can also be super glued into place for a secure connection.
Lugs should be a minimum of 5mm in width.