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Dynamic Provisioning and Storage Classes in Kubernetes


Dynamic Provisioning and Storage Classes in Kubernetes | Kubernetes

[2021-01-14 Thu 20:09]

Storage is a critical part of running stateful containers, and Kubernetes offers powerful primitives for managing it. Dynamic volume provisioning, a feature unique to Kubernetes, allows storage volumes to be created on-demand. Before dynamic provisioning, cluster administrators had to manually make calls to their cloud or storage provider to provision new storage volumes, and then create PersistentVolume objects to represent them in Kubernete

[2021-01-14 Thu 21:26]

If storageClassName is set to an empty string (‘’) in the PVC, no storage class will be used (i.e.; dynamic provisioning is disabled for this PVC)

[2021-01-14 Thu 22:49]

). Since the goal of dynamic provisioning is to completely automate the lifecycle of storage resources, the default reclaim policy for dynamically provisioned volumes is “delete”. This means that when a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is released, the dynamically provisioned volume is de-provisioned (deleted) on the storage provider and the data is likely irretrievable

[2021-01-14 Thu 22:49]

What happens if I delete a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC)?If the volume was dynamically provisioned, then the default reclaim policy is set to “delete”. This means that, by default, when the PVC is deleted, the underlying PV and storage asset will also be deleted. If you want to retain the data stored on the volume, then you must change the reclaim policy from “delete” to “retain” after the PV is provisioned.