Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Deploy Helm Chart on Upload


My gitops/devops strategy is the following.

  1. build and upload the docker images in a registry with testing tags
  2. build and upload the helm charts with testing tags
  3. deploy the testing application
  4. test the application
  5. if everything is ok, create deployment tags for both the images and the charts

automating the deployment

In the past, I tried using helm install at the step 3. But doing so I needed to deal with errors (timeout, temporary network outage etc.) and it quickly became a mess.

It would be great to have out there a tool dedicated to deal with most edge cases and try hard deploying the application.

At first, I believe argo CD would help doing this, but it actually scans a git repository to find the helm chart in there. That means that it will try to deploy the helm chart as soon as the application is pushed. Not only that is not practical because it won’t wait for the images to be built, but often the development chart won’t change (and I still want the testing cluster to reflect what the result of the HEAD of my dev branch). The CI tooling will create a dev helm chart based on the git data and this is what I want to automatically deploy.