Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Debian: Switch to a Targeted Initrd After Setup?


Switch to a targeted initrd after setup?

Edit /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf and change




then run

update-initramfs -u


“debian targeted drivers to generic after setup

It seems like you’re trying to switch from a targeted initrd to a generic one in Debian. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do this:

  • Understand the difference between targeted and generic initrd: Both the generic and targeted initrd contain the core drivers built-in. However, drivers for additional hardware are available from modules which are only loaded if required. The targeted initrd is more lean but may not detect the necessity for certain hardware drivers, such as USB keyboard support for LUKS password on boot.
  • Check the current initrd: You can check the current initrd by running ls /boot. This will list all the initrd images. The naming convention is usually initrd.img-<kernel version>.
  • Update the initramfs: To switch to a generic initrd, you need to update the initramfs. You can do this by running sudo update-initramfs -u -k all. This will update the initramfs for all kernel versions.
  • Reconfigure initramfs: If you’re still having issues, you might need to reconfigure initramfs. You can do this by running sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-<kernel version>. This will allow you to choose between a ‘generic’ and ‘targeted’ kernel.
  • Check for overruling hooks: Note that hooks in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d overrule the setting from /etc/initramfs-tools/initramfs.conf. So, if you have any hooks in /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d, they might be overruling your settings.
  • Add necessary modules: If you like your lean targeted initrd but want USB keyboards to work in initrd, you can include modules hid_generic and usbhid in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules.
  • Remember to replace <kernel version> with your actual kernel version. If you’re unsure about your kernel version, you can check it by running uname -r.”
