Bryobia Praetiosa
Fleeting- Référence externe :
- Référence externe :

Tétranyque du trèfle ne pique pas, il est totalement inoffensif. Il provoque cependant certains désagréments et devient nuisible en cas de pullulation. Il est conseillé de tondre régulièrement la pelouse en contact avec les murs de la maison pour prévenir les pullulations
Clover Mites are a close relative to ticks and spiders but they are true mites, not insects
mostly feed on clover, grassy lawns, plants and weeds and seem to appear by the thousands in the spring and fall
leave behind a tell-tale stain when smashed
When clover mites are smashed they leave a red stain. The stain is not blood, but is the mite’s body pigment.
can be found throughout the house, but they are frequently found on the sunniest side of the house or foundation, commonly the south side due to the warmth
Clover mites are not dangerous. They do not bite and are not harmful to humans or pets. Also these tiny red bugs do not cause structural damages like termites
simply nuisance pests and they can be hard to eradicate. They are difficult due to their size; they invade homes in great numbers and are so tiny they can get through even the smallest opening.