Bluetooth in Android
Fleeting- External reference:
UPDATE 10/2019
Support is there! Enjoy the new API:
BluetoothDevice.createL2capChannel(int) BluetoothDevice.createInsecureL2capChannel(int) BluetoothAdapter.listenUsingL2capChannel() BluetoothAdapter.listenUsingInsecureL2capChannel()
UPDATE 03/2019 With the first Android Q beta out there it looks like support is finally coming.
source code for the android version 8+ offers a way to get a l2cap socket that is evolving in time:
A createL2capSocket method in android 8 (source) A createL2capCoCSocket method in android 9 (source) A createL2capChannel in the master branch of the android project (future release I guess?) (source)
we were able to test on android 8, with awful results.
Testing on Android 8.1 with reflection led to very unsatisfying results. The claim that “LE Connection-Oriented Channels” are available since Android 8.0 just can’t be confirmed, despite the efforts.
will take years before l2cap channels will be reliable and available to a significant share of the android users.