Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Acknowledging Multiple Disciplines in PKM


An Argument For Acknowledging Multiple Disciplines In PKM - Knowledge management - Obsidian Forum

call these areas “The Library” and “The Study Room”. When in The Library, we are librarians. Our goals are to organize, optimize, categorize, and otherwise prepare knowledge for consumption. When in The Study Room, we are students. Our goals are to research or combine old ideas from our library, and to record new ideas. We may bring in new brand new resources as well (research material), and take notes on them for future use


am a librarian, so I can have a good place to study. And I study, so I need a good library to work from


good note taking fundamentally comes down to the following practices:

Reading (or watching, listening, etc) analytically with an eye towards identifying ideas that wind throughout the work Extracting those ideas and decomposing them into atomic units Synthesizing multiple atomic ideas into new ideas gained through insight


analytical decomposition followed by recomposition/synthesis.


fundamental activities described by Luhmann and also by Mortimer Adler in his text How to Read a Book. These are also the fundamental activities described by Piotr Wozniak in his work through his SuperMemo spaced repetition learning system and his extensive online writings on fluidity and speed in learning and insight making. And they are the fundamental activities described in e.g. Learning How to Learn both the Coursera course and the book.


I’m not a fan of the term PKM other than accepting it for what it is – a vague fuzzy all-encompassing term that can’t really be meaningfully broken down much further than that. It’s a generic acronym meant to abstract away a group of concepts for reasoning at a particular level, nothing more.


When it comes to actual practical use it fundamentally boils down to:

Focus on extracting the ideas from whatever work you are studying Break down that ideas into individual atomic units Synthesize those ideas to create new insights and knowledge
