Konubinix' opinionated web of thoughts

Access Hardware Volume Keys in Kivy


when the application in is focus

need to implement Acticity::dispatchKeyEvent

This needs to be in the main PythonActivity (python-for-android/pythonforandroid/bootstraps/sdl2/build/src/main/java/org/kivy/android/PythonActivity.java::public class PythonActivity extends SDLActivity {) but nothing was done

I can change the smali code to add some custom behavior, like logging test, by adding it in poc/smali/org/kivy/android/PythonActivity.smali

This prints test and resturn true (to preempt the event).

.method public dispatchKeyEvent(Landroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z
    .locals 2

    # Log the string "test"
    const-string v0, "MyApp"
    const-string v1, "test"
    invoke-static {v0, v1}, Landroid/util/Log;->d(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I

    const/4 v0, 0x1
    return v0
.end method
apktool b poc && apksigner sign --ks your-keystore.jks --ks-key-alias your-alias --ks-pass pass:000000 ./poc/dist/poc.apk
I: Using Apktool 2.10.0 with 4 thread(s).
I: Checking whether sources has changed...
I: Smaling smali folder into classes.dex...
I: Checking whether resources has changed...
I: Building resources...
I: Building apk file...
I: Copying unknown files/dir...
I: Built apk into: poc/dist/poc.apk

And I can see the log and no more volume control.

Now, I want to call a callback set by jnius.

in poc/smali/com/example/KeyEventCallback.smali, put

.class public interface abstract Leu/konubinix/konixpoc/KeyEventCallback;
.super Ljava/lang/Object;

# Define the method signature for the callback
.method public abstract onKeyEvent(Landroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z
.end method

In poc/smali/org/kivy/android/PythonActivity.smali

# add the callback attribute
.field public keyEventCallback:Leu/konubinix/konixpoc/KeyEventCallback;


.method protected onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    # init keyEventCallback to null
    const/4 v0, 0x0
    iput-object v0, p0, Lorg/kivy/android/PythonActivity;->keyEventCallback:Leu/konubinix/konixpoc/KeyEventCallback;

Beware the .locals, it defines v0, v1 etc

In the same file, implement dispatchKeyEvent that calls the callback if it is set

.method public dispatchKeyEvent(Landroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z
    .locals 3

    const-string v1, "poc"
        const-string v2, "Calling call back"
        invoke-static {v1, v2}, Landroid/util/Log;->d(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I

    # Retrieve the keyEventCallback attribute
    iget-object v0, p0, Lorg/kivy/android/PythonActivity;->keyEventCallback:Leu/konubinix/konixpoc/KeyEventCallback;

    # Check if keyEventCallback is set (not null)
    if-eqz v0, :super_call

    # Call the callback with the KeyEvent parameter
    invoke-interface {v0, p1}, Leu/konubinix/konixpoc/KeyEventCallback;->onKeyEvent(Landroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z

    # Get the result of the callback
    move-result v0

    # Return the result of the callback
    return v0


    const-string v1, "poc"
    const-string v2, "No callback"
    invoke-static {v1, v2}, Landroid/util/Log;->d(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)I

    # Fallback to the superclass dispatchKeyEvent if no callback is set
    invoke-super {p0, p1}, Lorg/kivy/android/PythonActivity;->dispatchKeyEvent(Landroid/view/KeyEvent;)Z
    move-result v0
    return v0
.end method

In the python code, implement the callback and register it in the activity

from jnius import autoclass, PythonJavaClass, java_method

# Access the activity
PythonActivity = autoclass('org.kivy.android.PythonActivity')
KeyEvent = autoclass('android.view.KeyEvent')
activity = PythonActivity.mActivity

# Create a Python implementation of KeyEventCallback
class MyKeyEventCallback(PythonJavaClass):
    __javainterfaces__ = ['eu/konubinix/konixpoc/KeyEventCallback']
    __javacontext__ = 'app'

    def onKeyEvent(self, key_event):
        if key_event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN:
            action = key_event.getAction()
            if action == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
                print("volume down pressed")
            elif action == KeyEvent.ACTION_UP:
                print("volume down released")
                raise NotImplementedError()
            return True  # or False depending on your logic

# Set the callback
callback = MyKeyEventCallback()
activity.keyEventCallback = callback

when the application is not

You need to implement a VolumeProvider and initialize a MediaSession, like it is done in MALP (https://gitlab.com/gateship-one/malp/-/blob/master/app/src/main/java/org/gateshipone/malp/application/background/NotificationManager.java?ref_type=heads#L155)

In python, this would look like

from jnius import java_method
from jnius import PythonJavaClass, JavaClass, MetaJavaClass
MediaSession = autoclass("android.media.session.MediaSession")

class MyVolumeProvider(PythonJavaClass, metaclass=MetaJavaClass):
    __javaclass__ = 'android/media/VolumeProvider'
    __javainterfaces__ = []

    def onAdjustVolume(self, direction):

from android import mActivity
mediaSession = MediaSession(mActivity, "konubinix")
volumeprovider = MyVolumeProvider()
print("created volume provider")

But this won’t work, because android.media.VolumeProvider is an abstract class (not an interface) and can implement only interfaces, not abstract classes.

Therefore, it would need to provide a java implementation on android.media.VolumeProvider that would in turn call the python callbacks.

Notes linking here